Saag Paneer/Tofu (Spinach and Indian Cheese)

Saag Paneer/Tofu (Spinach and Indian Cheese)

Priya Osuri
It’s funny (yes, haha funny) for me to create a dish that has Saag (greens) in this case - Spinach and Paneer (Indian Cheese) when you’re allergic to lactose and a self-declared “meatatarian”. Translation: “No, thanks” to vegetables particularly spinach or wondering whether Paneer is “lactaid pill” worthy. Those of you who are avid fans of the show “Seinfeld” will probably catch the reference about “lactaid pill worthy” :-) . Oddly enough, my mom makes a dish called Gongura Masam - Gongura with meat that I LOVE. Gongura is an edible tart slightly sour leaf that is very popular in Andhra Pradesh, India, the state where my parents are from. I truly LOVE this delicious dish which has the perfect balance of sour, tangy and spicy! But I digressed. Back to my yummy Saag Paneer.

Saag Paneer (Spinach and Indian Cheese)

Over the years, my husband has slowly brainwashed.. ahhh.. I mean, converted me to eating my veggies and actually liking it. I realized that eating veggies and liking them was just in the way you spice it up! So the quest for the perfect Saag Paneer dish commenced about 4 year ago. I have to say, sitting at home during this pandemic has truly motivated me to try new things. So armed with my lactaid pills for the Indian cheese and decadent heavy whipping cream that goes into this dish, I tried it again and voila! I got it right. I truly LOVE this mouthwatering rich tomato cream dish that has both Spinach AND Paneer (gasp)! Best of all, you can substitute Tofu for Paneer & coconut milk for heavy whipping cream. I still can’t believe I opt for this tasty dish when my family is having a good ole fashioned “meatatarian” dish like burgers for dinner. Go figure! All I know is that it is a winner.
I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, whether you eat it traditionally with rice or as a dip with corn chip for an Indian fusion twist!


Check out how easy it is to make our Family Sized Saag Paneer/Tofu Gourmet Seasoning Mix!

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